What Watchman Nee Contributed to the Church in China
The most common argument used by Watchman Nee’s fans to defend Watchman Nee is: “You may dislike Watchman Nee, but you cannot deny Watchman Nee’s contribution to the Chinese church.” This pragmatic argument is another expression of the devil’s tricks to tempt the Lord Jesus: Whoever can turn stones into bread and fill you up is your heavenly father.... Charismatics are pagans who worship evil spirits, and it is within reasonable to accept this demonic logic. All those who accept this kind of evil spirits will inevitably become extremely foolish in the truth of God (Romans 1:21 They became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools), and even cannot discern Basic facts and common sense, and they don't bother to tell whether it's poisonous milk or the sincere milk of the word. They don't know in the judgment, their sycophantic words will be used as evidence of the wolf-headed idol they worship. The greater the "contribution" of these wolves, the more people they seduce to hell, the greater their crime.
The anti-intellectual and anti-theological traditions dominant in Chinese church; the tradition of 2,000-year-old church doctrine and ordinance is anti-Christ; bypassing the 2,000-year-old church tradition and directly knocking on the door of Jesus; believing in Christ, not being a Christian; a man is not justified by the faith of Christ, but eat and drink Jesus and eat the bread that came down from heaven; God destroy the previous world because angels rebelled against God were judged, and then recreated this world; and so on many mainstream thinking is Watchman Nee's poisonous legacy. Let's take a look at Watchman Nee's contribution to the church in China.
After Watchman Nee published "How I Turned Around", he surrendered to the Golden Calf Religion and became one of his own. Therefore, protecting Watchman Nee and drawing a clear line between Watchman Nee and Witness Lee who fled overseas with impunity became the responsibility of the Golden Calf Religion. So the China Three-Self Patriotic Church(CCC/TSPM) released a version in which Witness Lee betrayed Watchman Nee and defected to Taiwan. Actually think about it with your toes and you know it's a lie. As Watchman Nee's most trusted confidant, Witness Lee was sent by Watchman Nee to Taiwan in March 1949 to preserve the remnants In order to prevent the situation changes and catched all in one draft. Watchman Nee chose Witness Lee as his second in command because he liked Witness Lee's loyalty and obedience. At the beginning of 1950, Watchman Nee went to Hong Kong to lead worship, summoned Witness Lee from Taiwan to Hong Kong, and entrusted the Local Churche in Hong Kong to Witness Lee care of. At this fellowship meeting, Watchman Nee made a "Declaration" in front of the elders of the Local Churche in Hong Kong. Nee said, "Brother Witness Lee is here, please forgive me for saying this: an attack on him is an attack on me. ;Brother Witness Lee's wrong, and I was wrong. Many people gave us easy shallow criticism, but in the end they didn't even lift one of little finger." In fact, Witness Lee was indeed the most faithful inheritor and practitioner of Watchman Nee’s weird theological thought. Those who say that Watchman Nee is orthodox and Witness Lee heresy are either hypocrites who have no respect for Watchman Nee at all, or they are just fools like paste bugs, follow the crowd as parrot, who don't bother to investigate the facts. Witness Li also expressed dejectedly that the same point of view, when Watchman Nee said it, everyone supported it, but Witness Li said it same became a heresy. It shows that people are still worshiping God- Nee, but they often make make light of him the youngster rising star. Witness Li did not accept this, and once pointed out that the people who criticized him Witness Lee, also criticized Watchman Nee incidentally, but because these critics were hypocritical, cowardly and nasty, they only dared to disrespect Witness Li, not Dare to fangs at senior Watchman Nee.
Watchman Nee's choice of Witness Lee was also a very smart decision, because Witness Lee was much more straightforward than Watchman Nee. In the same sense, Watchman Nee only said a few points, gave a little hint, and didn't explain it clearly, so people couldn't catch his braids. However, Witness Lee foolishly expressed Watchman Nee's meaning without compromise, so the one who was beaten was always Witness Lee, and Watchman Nee was always the good guy. From Witness Lee’s church’s collection and compilation of Watchman Nee’s speeches into books, and the contribution of making Watchman Nee’s thoughts immortal, we can see how wise Watchman Nee was in choosing Witness Lee. Others could never be so faithful, nor have such insights and talents.
In 1975, Witness Lee said: "I was bound on the mainland and I was not free. I once said: 'The flesh that Jesus Christ crucified on the cross is sinful.' Some people would not allow me to say it. This bondage, do not allow me to say this. I am now free from this bondage, I am no longer bound by this bondage, and no one binds me. So I am free to tell my brothers and sisters that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross The flesh is sinful." [Yang Anxi's "The Hand of God in China No. 3"] This statement that Christ is sinful is one of the most important evidences for everyone to accuse Witness Lee of being a heretic. Evil spirits want to steal the glory of Christ and people's worship of Christ, but evil spirits also know that Christians generally like Jesus Christ, so they must first discredit Christ, saying that Jesus has the sin of the flesh, and then lure people to worship The evil spirit that no body wholeheartedly. This is the reason why the Local Churches discredits Christ, saying that Christ was sinful. If Witness Li's words are true, then Watchman Nee is clearly cultivating heresy on purpose, but Watchman Nee has more mind than the Shandong strongman, and such obvious heresy remarks cannot be made, otherwise there will failing in an instant.
Watchman Nee's heresy doctrine was concentrated in the distortion of Christology and Trinity Theory. Watchman Nee believed that Christ was the first created being, the firstborn of all things. But if Christ is a created being, then worshiping the created Christ becomes idolatry. In order to resolve this contradiction, Watchman Nee invented the incarnation of the entire Triune God as Christ, and then Christ died and raised up from the dead as the Holy Spirit. This is Watchman Nee's one-God trinitas Theology. In this way, now there is no God the Father, no Christ, only the "Holy Spirit" is left, and the "Holy Spirit" has become the most practical, real, unique, and eternal form of existence of the Triune God at present, so worshiping this "Holy Spirit" is To worship God the Father is to worship Christ. This "Holy Spirit" is a pure spirit, without a physical body, not a creature, but God the Father and God the Son Christ (not Jesus in the flesh), thus avoiding the danger of idolatry. At the same time, Christians who receive the life of Christ given by the Holy Spirit through faith become little Christs and Gods. From this we can see that Watchman Nee’s theological and church thoughts are another gospel that is against God, a false gospel, a paganism that worships spirits (evil spirits, devils), and has the same nature and origin as the charismatics that worship evil spirits. The same routine and purpose as all pagan religions: first create or find an empty and false thing to replace the true god, and then find out that I can create gods myself, so why worship that god, you might as well just worship myself. Witness Lee faithfully inherited Watchman Nee’s theological thought and practiced it in himself: Because of receiving the life of Christ given by the Spirit, he became Christ and became the Lord God. To call on Lord-Witness-Lee is to call on the name of the Lord. It can be seen from this that what Watchman Nee invented was a set of efficient and practical shortcuts for creating damnable heresies and god-making systems. Watchman Nee’s view of the “kingdom” makes this system of godmaking extraordinarily practical. It can not only create gods, but also create emperors, and reign with Christ in the kingdom of Christ on earth. The greatest wish of blessing in this life and eternal life can be realized in this system. This system is so effective and practical that almost all heresies and cults that have emerged in China in the past century have directly or indirectly come from the Local Churches system of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. This is the contribution of Watchman Nee to the church in China. Because almost all the celebrities in the Chinese church are still supporting Watchman Nee, so the poisonous legacy of Watchman Nee will remain extremely harmful for a long time to come.
In 1935, Watchman Nee, who was physically and mentally exhausted by the marriage turmoil, went to Yantai, Witness Lee’s hometown, to recuperate. During the charismatic worship in Yantai, Watchman Nee was filled with the evil spirits of the charismatic sect and was restored. Since then, he has brought the evil spirits of the charismatic sect into the Local Churches, and received strong support from the China Inland Mission(CIM&OMF), so Watchman Nee’s Local Churches system is actually the origin of the massive development of the indigenization of charismatic heresy. We can see that the Charismatics were able to flourish in China and quickly became popular. The strength of the Local Churches system and its derivative sects is an important success factor. It can be seen that the spirit in Watchman Nee is exactly the same as the evil spirit of the Charismatic heresy. Charismatic heresy have also learned a lot from the successful experience of Watchman Nee's Local Churches. For example, the small-group model widely promoted by Charismatics is born out of the Local Churches 's "Gospel, family, group, district sunday worship" development model.
In July 2009, the Chinese government website announced that there were 14 cults officially designated as cults, of which 7 were clearly identified by the General Office of the Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, and 7 were identified and clearly identified by the Ministry of Public Security. Among them, eight are native-born (although the Shouters sect were brought by Witness Lee from the United States, but Lee himself was sent to leave the mainland by Watchman Nee, the leader of the Local Churches ( the Little Flock ), on the eve of liberation, so they are native-born heresies) pretending to be Christian heresies, Six of them are directly and indirectly from the Shouters sect of the church, and the other two also have a constant relationship with the Shouters sect, and the main body of believers is still composed of the original Shouters sect .
The Shouters sect (呼喊派)
Mentuhui (Chinese: 門徒會)
All Ranges Church (全範圍教會 ,生命之道教會) ,Born Again Movement (重生派)
Zhushenjiao (主神教 Supreme Spirit, Lord God's Teaching)
The Anointed King / Beili Wang (被立王)
Sanban puren pai (三班僕人派 Three Grades of Servant Church)
Spirit Church (靈靈教 Linglingjiao)
New Testament Church (Chinese: 新約教會)
Not only that, there are several sects that are not included in the 14 cults, but are regarded as cults: Lord-Changshou sect, Administrative Deacon Station in Mainland China, South China Church (SCC) and Eastern Lightning, The Church of Almighty God, God of Reality, and Lord of Ability, all of them derivative from the Shouters sect. Since the root of the Shouters is Watchman Nee's Local Churches ( Little Flock ), these heretical cults can all be regarded as Watchman Nee's contribution to the church in China. Nee's Fans argued, can the teacher be blamed for the students' mistakes? In fact, whether these heresies are absurd theological theories or unique church organization models, they were all learned from Watchman Nee's Local Churches, and they also came directly or indirectly from the Local Churches system of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee. What kind of tree bears what kind of fruit, this is the principle God taught us, from these bad fruits we can be sure that Watchman Nee is a bad tree. It's just that those Nee's fans who worship evil spirits are pagans who have never repented, and they never intend to repent, so they will never smash their idol of God Nee.
Don’t think that Watchman Nee’s mistakes will gradually lose their influence with his departure. With so many elites and sects working for Watchman Nee, it can be predicted that Watchman Nee’s fallacious theology will unite with the evil spirits of the Charismatic sect for a long time. It has become a nightmare for the Chinese church, and the Chinese are reluctant to smash the idol of God-Nee. This kind of disaster is always real and imminent, and cannot be escaped.
[ Editor's Note: This information was translated from Chinese using Google Translate. The accuracy of the words and grammar cannot be guaranteed. It is prepared for Christians with a non-Chinese background. The main point is to remind Christians to completely reject all the teachings of the Local Churches of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, completely resist the charismatic evil spirits that Watchman Nee and Witness Lee worship, spread, and promote, and refuse to participate in their Local Churches system. Christians who understand Chinese can view the original Chinese version: 《倪柝聲為中國教會貢獻了什麼》
